An Improved Frequency Domain Equalizer in the DMT System 一种改进的DMT系统频域均衡器
With frequency domain and time domain feedback equalization combined together, SC system can get better performance than the linear equalizer with a higher complexity. In MIMO systems, we mainly discussed linear equalizer and layered equalizer. 将SC频域均衡和时域反馈相结合起来,复杂度变大,但是可以得到比线性均衡更好性能。
Then the channel response of open-loop equalizer was deduced in detail, which is based on least square ( LS) in frequency domain. And a closed-loop equalizer, based on least mean square ( LMS) in frequency domain, was proposed for optical OFDM transmission system. 详细推导了基于最小平方(LS)算法的开环自适应均衡器在频域的计算方法,并提出将基于最小均方(LMS)算法的闭环自适应频域均衡器应用于O-OFDM传输系统。
Based on this, two new frequency-domain equalization algorithms are proposed which are frequency domain LMS adaptive decision feedback equalizer ( LMS-DFE) algorithm and variable step size LMS frequency domain equalizer ( VLMS-DFE) algorithm. 在此基础上提出了两种新的频域均衡算法:频域LMS自适应判决反馈均衡(LMS-DFE)算法以及频域变步长LMS自适应均衡(VLMS-DFE)算法。